Friday, May 27, 2011

Anzeigen mehrerer Spalten in Crystal Report.

Problem: Daten anzeigen horizontal in Crystal Reports.
  Wenn Sie horizontal Anzeige von Daten in Crystal Report können Sie mehrereSpalten Option zum Beispiel verwenden, wenn Sie folgende Daten angezeigt werden sollen horizontal
Studentenausweis Name
C0801 Name1
C0802 Name2
C0803 Name3
C0804 Name4
C0805 Name5
Wie diese
Studentenausweis Studentenausweis Name Name
C0801 C0802 Name1 Name2
C0803 C0803 Name3 Name4
C0805 C0806 Name5 Name6
Sie können leicht brechen Zeilen in mehrere Spalten horizontal nach IhrenBedürfnissen.
Lösung: Anzeigen von Daten horizontal in Crystal Reports.
Zum Erreichen mehrere Spalten Sie benötigen, um Mail Lable Bericht im Berichts-Assistenten erstellen, obwohl diese Option ist auch verfügbar in Standard-Berichtformatieren, aber ich fand einige Schwierigkeiten damit habe ich in Mail Lablegetestet und ihre Arbeit hier gut für.

Nach der Erstellung können Sie sehen, es gibt Detail Abschnitt, der zeigt, wie es sichin Standard-Reports ist hier offen ist, was wir mehrere Spalten verwenden uns helfen,unser Ziel zu erreichen.

Jetzt rechts auf Detailbereich klicken und gehen Sie zu Abschnitt Experte hier finden Sie die Registerkarte Layout, in dem Sie Spalten nach Ihren Wünschen können die Größe.
Es gibt vier Spalten angezeigt.
Sie können hier sehen, ist dann Optionen Across runter und runter dann Across aufdas gegebene Beispiel habe ich in dann wie folgt verwendet.
Studentenausweis Studentenausweis Name Name
------------------------------------------->>>>>>> >>
C0801 C0802 Name1 Name2
C0803 C0803 Name3 Name4
C0805 C0806 Name5 Name6

Format mit mehreren Spalten Optionen sind nur verfügbar, Detailbereich.

Unterdrückt Nullen in Kreuztabellen Berichte in Crystal Reports

Zur Unterdrückung von Nullen auf Kreuztabellenberichte folgendermaßen vor:

1. Direkt an der Summe Feld klicken und select "Format-Feld".
2. In das Feld Format-Fenster auf die Schaltfläche "Anpassen"klicken.
3. In der Custom Style Fenster klicken Sie auf "Nummer" Tab und aktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen "unterdrückt werden, wenn Zero ".

Separate Strings in SQL Server

Während meiner Entwicklung fand ich eine Situation, wo ich zu trennen Saite haben '|'Grundlage für die Erreichung dieses schrieb ich folgenden kleinen Abfrage

  SUBSTRING (('KHI | 108'), 0, CHARINDEX ('|',(' KHI | 108 '))) City,
  REVERSE (SUBSTRING (REVERSE (KHI | 108 '), 0, CHARINDEX ('|', REVERSE(KHI | 108')))) CityCode

Crystal Report ToWord () und Proper Case ()-Funktion

Ich muss Betrag in Worte umwandeln wie 2150 bis 2050 nur.
zur Erreichung dieses habe ich toword verwendet ()-Funktion in Crystal Report
Ich habe gerade neue Formel

ToWord ({} abc.amount, 0) + "Nur"
  es gibt mir Ergebnis aber in Kleinbuchstaben, so habe ich in Großbuchstabenumgewandelt davon
Großbuchstaben (toword ({} abc.amount, 0)) + "Nur"
es gibt mir ZWEI Eintausendfünfzig NUR, aber ich brauche AnfangsbuchstabeHauptstadt jedes Wort
Dann habe ich
Propercase (ToWord ({} abc.amount, 0) + "Nur"

Propercase () geben Sie mir folgendes Ergebnis

Zwei Eintausendfünfzig Nur

Hoffe, es wird jemand helfen:)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Displaying Multiple Columns in Crystal Report.

Problem: Display data horizontally in Crystal report.
 If you Want  to display horizontally data in crystal report you can use Multiple columns option  for example if you want to display following data horizontally
Student ID           Name
C0801                    Name1
C0802                    Name2
C0803                    Name3
C0804                    Name4
C0805                    Name5
Like this
Student ID           Name     Student ID             Name                                  
C0801                    Name1  C0802                    Name2
C0803                    Name3  C0803                    Name4
C0805                    Name5  C0806                    Name6
You can easily break rows into several columns horizontally according to your needs.
Solution: Displaying data horizontally in Crystal report.
For achieving multiple columns you need to create Mail Lable report in report wizard although this option is also available in Standard report Format but I found some difficulties therefore I have tested in Mail Lable and its work fine here for.

After creation you can see there is detail section that displays half as it is open in standard  reports here is  what  we use multiple columns help us to achieve our goal.

Now right click on detail section and go to section expert here you find layout tab in which you can resize colums according to your needs.

 There are four columns showing.
You can see here is options  Across then Down and Down then  Across on the given example I have used across then down  as follows.
Student ID           Name     Student ID           Name                                  
C0801                    Name1  C0802                    Name2
C0803                    Name3  C0803                    Name4
C0805                    Name5  C0806                    Name6

Format with multiple columns options is only available on detail section.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Calling Functions from Stored Procedure SQL

during my development work i stuck in a problem that sole by calling function (an inline Function) in my stored procedure .
In each procedures I used to Convert Rupees to Dollar so I make a function named Dollar converter here is the example

Create procedure My_SP(@from_Date datetime, @to_Date datetime )
Select carmodel,carName,CarPrice/DollarRate(Day)


Create Function DollarRate
(@date date)
return numeric(7,2)
Select ForexRate from ForexExchange where ForexRateDate = @date

Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is J2EE / JEE?

There are 2 version of the Java Environments, J2EE and j2SE
  • SE (standard edition)  which includes all the basic classes that you would need to write single user applications.
  • EE (Enterprise Edition) is set up for multi-tiered enterprise applications, or possible distributed applications. If you'd be using app servers, like tomcat or websphere, you'd want to use the J2EE, with the extra classes for n-tier support
More on J(2)EE:
  • J(2)EE, strictly speaking, is a set of APIs which enable a programmer to build distributed, transactional systems. The idea was to abstract away the complicated distributed, transactional bits (which would be implemented by a Container such as WebSphere,JBoss or Weblogic), leaving the programmer to develop business logic free from worries about storage mechanisms and synchronization.
  • J(2)EE is actually a collection of technologies and APIs for the Java platform designed to support "Enterprise" Applications which can generally be classed as large-scale, distributed, transactional and highly-available applications designed to support mission-critical business requirements.
In general, enterprise applications refer to software hosted on servers that provide the applications that support the enterprise.
The specifications (defined by Sun) describe services, application programming interfaces (APIs), and protocols.
The 13 core technologies that make up J(2)EE are: JDBC, JNDI, EJBs, RMI, JSP, Java servlets, XML, JMS, Java IDL, JTS, JTA, JavaMail, and JAF.
The J(2)EE product provider is typically an application-server, web-server, or database-system vendor who provides classes that implement the interfaces defined in the specifications. These vendors compete on implementations of the J(2)EE specifications.
J(2)EE includes EJB, Web Apps ( servlest and JSP ), transactions, webservices, management, and application servers.
In many situations the enterprise applications needs to connect to with a number of legacy systems, they are not only "web pages", and with the features availalble on the "edition" of java that kind of connectivity can be solved.